Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Alright, I have decided to start a blog.  But I am having trouble naming it.  I propose that everyone help me.  I like alliteration (words that all start with the same letter), so is everyone ready? ....GO!


  1. How about.. The Stoddard Stories
    or.. Strictly Stoddard....?
    I don't know. ST is kind of hard. I can only think of really horrible ones like the strange stoddards or the stinky stoddards. Or the streaking stoddards... That would be a good one. :)

    1. I like The Stoddard Stories... If this were a different kind of blog I would definitely, hands down, no questions asked, name it Streaking Stoddards... but I think I'll stick with Stories. Thanks Jae!

  2. Studdly Stoddards, Stimulating Stoddards, Straightlaced Stoddards, Stodgy Stoddards, Stoked-out Stoddards....

    I think you should have a different title depending on how you are feeling that day...

    Love you!

    1. That's actually a really good idea. Also, if you want, you can go in and change the name on your profile so that it doesn't say Sister Adams (if you want...)

  3. Thats funny, I was gonna suggest A Stoddard Story, looks like someone already beat me to it. :) other ideas (that aren't as good): Standard Stoddards. or OR the Start of the Stoddards :)
