Monday, August 13, 2012

Suck it Up, Princess

Last summer, I took 2 classes so that I would be ready for the fall semester.  They were both online and I really did not enjoy either of them.  I swore at the end of the summer I would NEVER do it again…
…well… that didn’t work out too well with my plan to graduate in May 2013.  You see, there were 2 more classes that I absolutely had to take before this fall in order for me to don a cap and gown next May (and I wanted that SO badly).  So I said to myself the phrase I learned from a good friend (whom I went to the Philippines with): “Suck it up, Princess” and I signed up for the (ugh, online, I hate online) classes. 
Well, just last week, I finished my VERY LAST summer classes (and really, they weren’t too bad).  I wanted to scream and shout for joy.  I will never be working on school through another summer.  Hallelujah!
I am now enjoying a short 2 week break before I begin the homestretch of my college education.  (Hence the thought to blog finally... ok, ok, it also took some prompting from a friend.)  It feels SO good to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel… and to be able to say exactly what classes I have left instead of “uh… well I’ve got a ways to go…”
It gives me more time to cheer on my husband who recently started taking classes at an exclusively online university called Western Governors.  He just started about a month ago, and can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel yet.  SO I will be the cheerleader as he works hard at his full-time job and at full-time school.  It sounds exhausting, but he’s surviving so far!  Love you babe!

On a completely unrelated note, I may have to share that phrase with my sister, who will be leaving for Africa in less than a month; where she will be spending the next 18 months “sucking it up.”  Putting aside many of her personal comforts to serve the people of Zambia by bringing them the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I’m so proud of you little sister, for making the decision to serve a mission!