Monday, May 4, 2015

Baby Number Two: Birth Story

I wrote this up a while ago. I figured I should post it.


*This time around, I wanted to try without an epidural.  We took a 5 week class for Hypnobirthing and the things I learned got me so pumped to have this baby.
I woke up around 2 am with some mild contractions on Friday, February 13.  I timed them for about an hour and they were about 7-10 minutes apart. After telling Steven that he wasn't going to work today, I went back to sleep, knowing I would need my energy.  Daylight brought less consistent, and still mild, contractions.  I called Mom to let her know to be on standby.  Around 10 Steven took Bennett to Nana’s house with the bag packed for him to spend a few nights there. 
Mom and I went to get pedicures at about 11, and after that I spend the afternoon drinking a whole pineapple (sent through the juicer), eating some 5 alarm hot sauce from Taco Time (I didn't drink it, I put it on some stuffed tater tots), and eating some spicy Chinese food from Panda Express.  We also went to Kohl’s and, after shopping, walked around the parking lot.  The contractions had all but gone away and all this was an elaborate attempt to get them to come back.
I finally called Guy (my midwife) and asked if I could come in again and he could sweep my membranes again.  We got to his office around 5 and he said I was dilated to a 4.  As we left we said “see you later” and he laughed and said, “Yeah, let’s hope it’s not at 3 am.”  Ha.
After that we went to Grandma’s house.  She has a nice soaker tub that can be filled to cover a pregnant belly.  Warm baths are supposed to help you relax and let labor continue naturally… I soaked for an hour.  My contractions got more consistent and stronger.  They hurt, and I really wanted to know why because everything I had learned about Hypnobirthing said that it shouldn’t hurt like it was.  We decided I should call the instructor of the class to see if she had any suggestions.
She tried to help over the phone, but said that without actually being there, she couldn't be sure what was going on or exactly how to fix it.  She gave some suggestions though, and we headed to my parents’ house to try them out.  I wasn't ready to go to the hospital yet because I really had my heart set on the calm birth experience that I had prepared so hard for and I knew that with the way things were going, it would be less than the calm that I wanted.  We tried for a couple of hours to alleviate the pain I was feeling (think worst diarrhea cramps EVER). 
Around 11 we kind of gave up.  The contractions were so close together and so intense I had a hard time remembering how to calm myself down between them and I began questioning my ability to have this baby the way I wanted to. 
We headed to the hospital.  I rode in the Suburban with Mom because it’s a more comfortable ride than our car.  When we go there, Mom got me a wheelchair.  I remember thinking that that was kind of silly, but thinking back, I’m pretty sure I wouldn't have made it walking.
They admitted me without making me go to Triage, which I was grateful for.  When the nurse checked me to see how far dilated I was, she sent the room into a small frenzy because I was a 6 and I had tested positive for Group B Strep, which requires antibiotics 4 hours before you deliver the baby.  It was kind of funny to watch them fly around to hurry and get the IV in me so that the medicine could have time to work.
From there, it’s all kind of blurry.  I think mostly because about the time we checked into the hospital (about 11:30), I realized I hadn’t had anything to eat since lunch.  BAD IDEA.  (note to self, make sure you eat before you head to the hospital to have a baby, especially if you plan to do the whole thing without pain medication).  Another factor to the blurry-ness of the memory is probably the intensity of the contractions.  I had asked for the Natural Birthing Suite at the hospital (it has a labor tub!) and I got in shortly after we go there (I think).  The water helped me be a little calmer and handle the contractions (which were still very painful) a little better. 
When I wasn't in the tub, we tried a few of the relaxation techniques that we learned from the class, but I think I was mostly really disappointed with how things were turning out.  I remember I kept saying to Steven that it wasn’t supposed to hurt, and that I just wanted it to not hurt.  He asked me if I wanted to get an epidural, but I told him no.  Mostly, I think, because I really didn't want to change rooms (the Natural Birthing Suite is only for those who go, well, natural). 
I got dilated to an 8, and hung out there for a while.  My water still hadn't broken, and Guy came in and said that if he broke my water, we'd have a baby within probably 30 minutes.  That was around 2 am.  I asked if he could tell if the baby was anterior or posterior.  He couldn't, and that made me scared.  I knew that he could still be born if he was facing the wrong way, but it still made me nervous to speed things along.  (I'm fairly certain my lack of food and sleep contributed to the mostly non-logical way I was making decisions at that point).  I handled the VERY intense contractions for another hour before I just couldn't take it anymore and called Guy back in to break my water. 
3:25(ish) am, my water was broken.  A few things I remember from the 20 minutes that followed: I learned what a real intense contraction feels like.  I found out what it feels like if I hyperventilate (tingly fingers).  I watched my midwife jump into action and in almost one motion put his gown and gloves on and catch my baby.  I had no “ring of fire” and I in no way feel I missed out on anything.  When Guy said “no lacerations” I wanted to pump my fist in the air because I knew that recovery would be so much easier because of that. And finally, at 3:43 am, I was handed the most perfect pink squirming baby.

While I’m not ready to accept that what I experienced is what Hypnobirthing is for me, it wasn't a bad experience, and I still think it was a better experience than the first time I had a baby.  I plan on trying again and maybe looking into a few extra things to help out.   

And now for a picture overload:

Steven reading me a script to help me relax
Laboring in the tub and trying to keep my IV out of the water...

"Why does my head hurt???  It's so BRIGHT!  What's going on???"

His official weight is 7 lbs 3 oz

Bath Time

Lovin' that shampoo

All that RED hair

This is the newest technology in anti-baby-switching efforts. That thing was so cumbersome...

I want to promise more blog updates on the rest of our lives in the near future, but I won't because I really don't like to break promises...