I have to start with that because I am going to complain a bit now.
It is likely that my child will never know how much I went through to get him here... as I'm sure most of us are unaware of every struggle our mothers went through... but this has to be said: I AM SICK OF MY HAIR. Everyone tells you about how you'll get beautiful pregnancy hair. And oh, it was gorgeous. I even heard it would fall out (though I secretly hoped it wouldn't happen to me). No One told me I'd get lovely baby hairs all around my hairline that would stand up and do whatever the heck they pleased. For months. And months. UGH. Are they EVER going to grow out?! (I suppose natural logic should have told me that the hair would grow back, but hey, I'm claiming mommy brain on that one.)
Here is the part that hurts the most to think about: I want more children. This is going to happen again. (and again, however many kids we decide to have...) So just so everyone knows: my hair is going to look horrible for the next several years (because it is likely that when my hair starts looking normal, the cycle is going to start over...) I'll affectionately call it "the 'chia-pet' years."
But I DO love this kid, I guess he's worth it ;)