Steven is all done for the semester! Woo Hoo! (And how many more years to go? You can do it hon!) He passed his last test a few weeks ago, and now he's just studying a little to get a jump start on the classes he'll be doing starting in January.
I am almost done with this semester. I have two weeks left of classes, and then finals week. I am SO ready for that. We were lucked out and got tickets to see the Mormon Tabernacle Christmas Concert on the Saturday after finals week, so I am also SO excited for that (maybe mostly because it will mean I get a vacation from school!)
I think that the last time I posted was around my birthday. Well, I got a present that I didn't tell anyone about. I found out that my lifelong dream of becoming a mom is going to be a reality! I found out on September 20th that I'm pregnant, and I'm due on May 28th (which is the day after Steven's birthday). So basically, it's a birthday present to both of us! We are so excited, and since I'm moving into week 14, I'm starting to feel good without the magical (and I mean magical) concoction of half a unisom and 25 mg of a B6 vitamin. That stuff has gotten me through this semester with my grades intact. We got to see our little Sea-Monkey (nickname courtesy of my funny sister on a mission) on October 22, and our baby must have known we were watching and waved to us. :-) While seeing that little bean on the screen was cool, I think hearing the heartbeat was the most awesome. We got to hear it again just a week ago. I am not really showing yet, so the heartbeat just makes it seem so much more real. (That, and the fact that my jeans are feeling just a little too tight lately).
We started spreading our excitement the Sunday before Thanksgiving when we told Steven's mom. Wednesday and Thursday we took joy in telling the rest of our family members. My siblings are so super excited. This is the first baby on my side, so we have brand new Grandma, Grandpa, aunts and uncles-- all of which are EXTREMELY excited... and some are telling our baby which gender to be (boys are saying boy and girls are saying girl... go figure). I told them that the gender (whichever it is) is not going to change no matter how much they want it to. Me? I just want a healthy baby (and please one that doesn't come too early... I have graduation!). I learned my lesson on posting wishes here and then here. So that's all I'm saying about that.
We are excited and possibly a little nervous, but mostly we are just excited to become parents!